Outreach-Workshop at snapADDY

Following the expansion of our sales team, we wanted to introduce them to our working methods and share our knowledge. In an outreach workshop led by our CEO Jochen Seelig and our CSO Martin Beyrer, new sales talents and prospects were given an insight into the topic of actively approaching new customers. In today's business world, outreach and clever tactics for contacting potential customers is a crucial tool for building customer relationships and business success.


What exactly is Outbound?

  • "Outbound" usually refers to strategies and tactics in which an organization actively reaches out to customers or prospects. This is in contrast to "inbound" methods, where customers come to the organization on their own.
  • In sales and marketing, outbound typically includes activities such as cold calling, email marketing, direct mail and other forms of direct communication to reach potential customers directly.

An overview of the workshop

The aim was to improve outbound skills, in particular the development of interest and need in the interviewee.

The program:

On the first day, the participants were given an overview of the theoretical basis of actively approaching customers. What measures are permitted and how do I communicate that the business relationship represents added value for both sides?

The first step dealt with potential interested parties - keyword Ideal Customer Profile - not forgetting the topic of data protection; how do I contact my target customers? Which tools can I use to reach someone by telephone, for example? This is where Victor, our Sales Operations Manager, comes in and explains the various conveniences that are possible with our CRM and marketing automation system Hubspot. But potential customers rarely give everything the nod in the first conversation, so how do I deal with objections?

There are creative and diverse ways to get in touch with potential customers. At trade fairs and events, via the LinkedIn business network or individual mailings to my desired customers. It has been proven that it takes 4-6 touches of contact with a person before you have anchored yourself in their memory. This relationship needs to be nurtured and maintained.

Moreover, outbound is not a one-sided story. Only those who also give and have added value for the person opposite side will be successful in this discipline.

The workshop participants discussed a telephone call script for the initial telephone contact. Martin emphasized that every customer and every employee is individual and that an authentic and honest approach plays a particularly important role.

On the second day, the workshop round was warmed up with role plays. One person played the potential customer and the other tried to arouse demand for our products and refute possible objections. Then it was time to pick up the phone. The best way to learn is to try it out for yourself. Everyone received individual feedback afterwards and even experienced participants found the workshop enriching.

What was it like?

Tanja is more motivated than ever and wants to implement the feedback on a confident appearance with a special focus on her voice. Tobias particularly liked the interactive design and the informal atmosphere. In the end, routine and experience are what count in outbound.