In the last weeks we have been working on a revision of our dashboard to allow you a more accurate evaluation of your reports and other settings. As a first step we have now introduced the first version of our Reportings 2.0 as well as user groups as an extension of our new user administration. With this blog article we would like to show you how you can use the innovations in the Dashboard for your trade fair appearance.
Reportings 2.0
With the first version of Reportings 2.0, we now provide you with some new data evaluations in addition to the already known evaluation options, such as the number of completed reports per user or the overview of exported reports per hour.
With the latest update, you can now also access the evaluation of the answer options for each single and multiselect question. These can be found directly after the usual evaluations of the users, days and hours of the created reports.
In addition, you now have the option to switch between three different graphic types relating to your configured questions. You can choose among: Pie chart, column chart and bar chart. Within the diagrams there is also the possibility to switch between percentage values and absolute numerical values.
The column and bar charts are well suited for comparing values within a data category. If, for example, you have integrated a question about the products your visitors are interested in, the bar chart is the right choice.
If the distribution of answers is to be presented in a particular way and there are only a few possible answers, the pie chart is suitable - especially if an answer is particularly dominant in the comparison.
Of course we are also prepared for the fact that you want to insert your statistics into presentations. Therefore you have the possibility to download the complete reporting as PDF or to export the individual diagrams as graphics or also as PDF.
User groups
As an extension of our revision of the user administration already published at the end of January, we now present you the new function with which you can manage your users in groups. Create and manage your users in groups to simplify e.g. the assignment of permissions for certain templates.
To create a user group, switch to your organization administration and switch to the "User groups" tab. Simply create a new group here and add the desired users.
Then you can select individual users or the desired user groups in the template configurator for your desired template under "Users" to make the report sheet visible only to these users.
You can limit the display of the available templates with the new user groups. If you have defined the Marketing and Sales groups as an example, the users working at the trade fair or in the field will only be able to view the respective questionnaires that you have defined for the assigned group.
This function is open to you for further processing even after the questionnaire has been finalised if you have to or want to make changes to your stand personnel.