How The Change Works: From Analog Trade Show Sheets to Digital Lead Capture

Who hasn't experienced it? Trade show forms and visit reports are filled out with pen and paper. Incorrect and incomplete forms, long processing times and delayed follow-ups are often the result. The consistent digitalization of all sales processes has long since ceased to be a nice-to-have and is now considered a prerequisite for future viability. Nevertheless, it is still common to see sales and marketing staff getting bogged down between filling out trade show forms and actively leading meetings.

In the age of digital transformation and artificial intelligence, customers expect not only smart products but above all smart processes. Using mobile devices enables more efficient processes, including digitalized lead capture. Companies not only save time and staff costs but also introduce themselves to potential customers with innovativeness and professionalism.

Most companies want to live up to this claim and often find it almost impossible to contain their enthusiasm for digitalization projects. But how is it possible to convince all stakeholders and match the desired vision with day-to-day business? Users often shy away from changes in their workflows and block the implementation of technical innovations. In addition, there are often major doubts about the costs and effort involved in implementation, or the potential is not recognized. The following white paper looks at how management, sales, IT, data protection, compliance, legal departments, and other stakeholders can be convinced of the benefits of the new technology and how the change management process can succeed.

The snapADDY white paper on digital lead capture is based on our project experience and expertise. You will learn

  • what role lead capture plays in the overall context of trade fairs and sales activities,
  • which process optimization and added value can be expected from digital lead capture and,
  • how to convince management, sales, IT, and other stakeholders.

The white paper includes best practices and a checklist to help you select the right lead capture software.

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