Our snapADDY Launch Event - SALE for short - was held for the third time on April 14, 2021. In the last quarter, we developed new features for our software solutions that we would gladly share with you. We also conducted an interesting interview with Salesforce expert and Dreamforce speaker Christian Kaimel, who has already successfully implemented snapADDY DataQuality in his company. Here is a summary of highlights from our Spring SALE.
Attendance at trade fairs in China despite the current pandemic
In China, face-to-face trade fairs with hundreds of participants – of course with all hygienic and protective measures – are again taking place as usual. We are therefore confident that the trade fairs will resume very soon.
Sales Summit 2022: snapADDY as a sponsor
We are also looking forward to the time when trade fairs and events will once again become part of everyday life and will therefore attend the Sales Summit on January 27, 2022, in Hamburg – our first face-to-face trade fair after the pandemic. The focus will be on the current topic "Digitalization and automation in sales". Would you also like to attend? Then get in touch with our sales team - we have great discounts for customers and interested parties!
Digitization in field services with snapADDY VisitReport
Our customers' needs are our top priority. That's why snapADDY VisitReport can now be used not only for digitally recording leads at trade fairs but also for field services. On the one hand, it is possible to create appointments in the app and generate a visit report directly on site. In case of sudden appointments, it is possible to easily select the contact data directly from the CRM system and transfer it to the visit report. As soon as the report has been completed, it can be exported directly to the CRM system.
Would you also like to digitize your field services? Have a look at all the features shown in this video or contact our sales team directly.
snapADDY DataQuality – Now also available as a CRM add-on
We have implemented one of the most frequently requested features by our customers: snapADDY DataQuality can now be used as an add-in not only for Salesforce but also for Microsoft Dynamics 365 and SAP Sales Cloud. You can now get to know the new integration with our video - would you like to be one of the first to test the functionality of the add-on in your CRM system? Please contact our sales team or customer success manager.
New snapADDY DataQuality feature: Social Network Updates
With the new social network updates function, snapADDY DataQuality detects every position or company change on LinkedIn or XING and automatically updates you with this information. With just one click, you can update all contact data and always keep your CRM system up to date. In this video, we explain this feature in detail.
Interview of Salesforce expert Christian Kaimel with Marcus Klapprodt
In an interesting interview with Christian Kaimel, platform manager at AVL's international subsidiary e1 Business Solutions GmbH, we discussed three upcoming CRM trends:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Process automation
- Deep learning
"The key to these CRM trends is, of course, a high-quality database," emphasizes Christian Kaimel, who led the implementation of snapADDY products in his company from the very beginning. The implementation of snapADDY VisitReport initially started by adapting it effectively to the needs of the marketing team that organizes and attends numerous conferences and trade fairs. In addition, snapADDY CardScanner was also implemented thanks to positive feedback.
“The direct export of contact data to our CRM system, Salesforce, is very practical and also the recognition of Asian data is very good”
Christian Kaimel, e1 Business Solutions GmbH
Besides, Christian Kaimel sees a special benefit in snapADDY DataQuality, since data quality continues to play an essential role in CRM: "With snapADDY DataQuality, not only the quality of the data in CRM increases but also the usability of the CRM system". If you would like to watch the full interview, check out our YouTube channel.
Summer SALE as Data Special
Our next SALE will take place on June 30, 2021, at 15:00! We are very pleased that our Chief Data Officer, Benedikt Brief, will present you with very interesting information regarding all data-related topics. We invite you to register for the event here. In case you have already attended one of our SALE, your registration has been automatically registered and you do not need to register again for the next events.
New snapADDY user training for different application areas
In our SALE we introduced new product features and updates. In order to support you properly in integrating the products into your working life, we offer a new series of user training. If you are interested, you can sign up now.
snapADDY CRM Experience
Due to the current pandemic, we have unfortunately had to postpone our snapADDY CRM Experience scheduled for June. But postponed is not canceled! We have already found a new date and cordially invite you to the CRM Experience on June 21-22, 2022. We are looking forward to interesting exhibitors, excellent food, and pleasant meetings with you. In case you would like to attend, we invite you to contact our marketing team and save the date in your calendar.
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