Scan and read out trade fair badges - What is really behind it?
Again and again we receive inquiries from our customers whether the snapADDY CardScanner and snapADDY VisitReport can also read trade fair badges. Especially at trade fairs and events in North America, the traditional exchange of business cards is sometimes omitted. Instead, the trade fair tickets - better known as badges in the trade jargon - are scanned. This would be much easier for the sales colleagues at the trade fair stand, they say. With this article we would like to give you a general overview and dispel two myths about trade fair badges.
- Blog Post
- Jochen Seelig
Changes to your snapADDY - Pipedrive connection
As of December 02nd, 2019, Pipedrive will change the login of the API we use to OAuth authentication. A login via the current authentication is thereafter no longer possible. Logging in via OAuth gives you transparency about which applications have access to data and gives you better opportunities to control the authorizations of these integrations.
- Blog Post
- Johannes Lorenz
Preview: The snapADDY Dashboard - New look, proven quality
Our main goal, in addition to your well-maintained CRM system with higher data quality, is to simplify your daily work and accelerate your processes.
- Blog Post
- Johannes Lorenz
Machine Learning for Signature Detection
In our most recent tech-blog post on Medium, we show you how we employ machine learning in the snapADDY Assistant with the concrete example of signature detection in emails.
- Blog Post
- Johannes Lorenz
Mobile Image Blur Detection with Machine Learning
snapADDY is now also on Medium! On the new snapADDY Tech Blog our development team will give you detailed technical insights into the further development and daily work at snapADDY.
- Blog Post
- Johannes Lorenz
New in our Dashboard: Reportings 2.0 & user groups
In the last weeks we have been working on the revision of our dashboard to allow you a more accurate evaluation of your reports and other settings. As a first step we have now introduced the first version of our Reportings 2.0 as well as user groups as an extension of our new user administration. With this blog article we would like to show you how you can use the innovations in the Dashboard for your trade fair appearance.
- Blog Post
- Johannes Lorenz
Digitize business cards into CRM system
I'm sure you're familiar with this situation: You meet a lot of potential customers and business partners at a meeting and exchange business cards with them. After the actual work is over, the time-consuming and annoying process of digitizing the contact data of the business cards into your crm system begins - and you've often wondered whether this can't be done faster?!
- Blog Post
- Moritz Linnig
Business Card Reader - Stationary Devices or Mobile Apps?
Business card readers are a useful invention. When a lot of business cards have accumulated again after a trade fair or a longer business visit, you used to have to do a lot of work by hand. Typing business cards costs time, nerves and blocks time for the essential things at work. In this blog article, different solutions for and types of business card readers will be presented.
- Blog Post
- Moritz Linnig
Business card scanner for Salesforce
With snapADDY business card scanner you can easily transfer business cards to your Salesforce system with a simple photo in the app while you are on the go or in the office. Since last year, we have been supporting Salesforce, currently the leading provider of customer relationship management software. We also offer the business card scanner as part of the VisitReport trade fair solution, which not only records the contact data but also the relevant conversation data in your Salesforce as well. In this article we describe the features and setup of the business card scanner and the differences to the trade fair solution VisitReport.
- Blog Post
- Moritz Linnig
Capture leads via app with an iPad
The exhibition space at the trade fair is well attended, the discussions are promising - and yet the commitment at the trade fair does not result in a higher turnover? Companies that have recognised the importance of a trade fair appearance often forget that they also have to invest in an efficient lead registration process at the trade fair. An important step here is capturing all leads, which can now also be conveniently carried out with the iPad during a conversation. In the following blog article, we have summarized how the capture process via iPad with snapADDY works and which advantages and disadvantages arise compared to the classic paper sheet.
- Blog Post
- Moritz Linnig
The new user management in snapADDY Dashboard
The motto "New year, new me" is not only valid for some of snapADDYs' employees, but also for our user administration in snapADDY Dashboard. With this revision, we would like to simplify the administration of the booked licenses for you.
- Blog Post
- Johannes Lorenz
Lead acquisition at the trade fair
Lead acquisition at the trade fair is the decisive factor in ensuring that the fair pays off for the company. By offsetting the quantity and quality of the recorded leads and the budgetary expenditure for the trade fair, the success of the trade fair can ultimately be determined and qualitatively justified.
- Blog Post
- Johannes Lorenz
Improve data quality in your CRM system
"Everything will be fine with a CRM system", we have heard too often in the last two years. The use of a CRM system to record company-wide communication with customers, interested parties or partners, in short all persons and organizations that communicates with your company, has become more and more frequent in recent years. Why the introduction of a CRM solution consists of more than the decision for a manufacturer, we are going to clarify in this blog article!
- Blog Post
- Moritz Linnig
The Field Service App - snapADDY VisitReport
Working in the field service brings some pleasant things with it. It means that you travel a lot, often work directly with the customer and gain insight into many companies on site. On the other hand, there is the greater willingness to travel, which one has to bring along, and also the time-consuming follow-up of the conversations in the field service and typing in sales data in your CRM system. In short, it is mainly a frequent paper chaos and annoying task for the sales representative shortly before the end of his working day.
- Blog Post
- Moritz Linnig
Lead generation at the expo - planning, recording and evaluation
For many companies, exhibiting their own products and solutions at a trade fair is a central component of their corporate strategy. Even though sales is becoming increasingly digital and the direct exchange with potential customers as part of a sales force is losing importance in some sectors, trade fairs and expos are very relevant for most companies due to the concentration of potential customers and competitors in one location.
- Blog Post
- Moritz Linnig
Signature field – get consent of data processing from your leads on the go
With the new signature field in snapADDY VisitReport, you can digitally process your contracts or your consent to data processing at the trade fair or in the field service via our app. The approval to receive a newsletter on the way is also a frequently used use case for the signature field.
- Blog Post
- Moritz Linnig
Revised question settings, Excel import and new question types in snapADDY VisitReport
By using our products, we want to give you more time and consequently sales success! That's why we have thought a lot about how we can further improve the usability of snapADDY VisitReport. The result is some changes that will save you time and nerves both at the fair and during the preparation and we would like to explain them to you in this blog article.
- Blog Post
- Johannes Lorenz
Your ideal lead management at the fair with snapADDY VisitReport
Even in 2018, a trade fair appearance is still an important concept of a sales strategy in a company. Despite increasing digitalization - or perhaps precisely because of it - personal contact at a trade fair with the associated sales opportunities is important for many decision-makers. In Germany, for example, the turnover of trade fair organizers is also rising continuously - from 2.35 billion euros in 2005 to 3.4 billion euros in 2015. In the following sections I would therefore like to discuss the opportunities that a company has for a central problem at a trade fair: effective lead management.
- Blog Post
- Moritz Linnig
Customer loyalty – make your customers return
In times of increasing digitalization and fast-paced life, many entrepreneurs are faced with the question of adequate customer loyalty measures that meet these needs and can fulfill the increased demands of modern customers. In order to retain customers in the long term and not lose them to the competition, a constant adjustment is necessary. Modern companies have to face new challenges again and again. Customer loyalty measures for companies that use a business model in which recurring revenues are generated within the framework of a license model are of particular importance.
- Blog Post
- Carina Knorz
Business card scanner for your SAP C/4 HANA
Since October 2018 the snapADDY business card scanner supports the modern Cloud-CRM C4C from SAP as well. This includes both the snapADDY business card scanner for the everyday handling of business cards and the solution for trade fairs snapADDY VisitReport, with which all requirements for a professional contact capturing at the trade fair are implemented. In this article we are going to describe the most important facts & differences between both products and prices.
- Blog Post
- Jochen Seelig