How The Change Works: From Analog Trade Show Sheets to Digital Lead Capture
Who hasn't experienced it? Trade show forms and visit reports are filled out with pen and paper. Incorrect and incomplete forms, long processing times and delayed follow-ups are often the result.
- White paper
- Birte Schwab
Digital Lead Capture in Corporations
Corporations and large companies regularly attend trade fairs to meet existing and potential customers in person and to expose their products and services. Currently, many of these companies still use pen and paper to record their trade show leads. However, the willingness to switch from analog to the digital capture of leads is growing steadily.
- Blog Post
- Nayibe Martin Barrera
Highlights of our Winter SALE
Social Selling is currently a key element in the business world. It is practically impossible to miss it on the LinkedIn business platform since the target audience or potential decision-makers can be easily identified and contacted. For this reason, many companies have included Social Selling in their business processes. In an interview, Social Selling expert Zoran Katic gives us some tips on how to further exploit the potential of the business social network. We summarize the highlights of the Livestream for you. You can find the full video (subtitled) on LinkedIn and our YouTube channel.
- Blog Post
- Louisa Yavuz
Social Selling Expert: Interview with Zoran Katic
Eighteen years ago, Zoran Katic started his sales career with classic cold calling. Today, as owner and managing director of Pluspulso GmbH, he still focuses on acquiring new B2B customers, but his strategy has changed. Instead of using "push marketing" to make cold calls, he now prefers "pull marketing." Katic combines new communication channels like LinkedIn with the personal relationship-building of traditional sales. In this expert interview with snapADDY CEO Jochen Seelig, he shares with us how he implements these strategies for his company and what he recommends to his customers.
- Expert interview
- Nayibe Martin Barrera
Badge Scan at the Hannover Messe: Capture your trade fair leads digitally now
Many exhibitors and trade fair attendees are looking forward to the next Hannover Messe, but they will have to wait a little longer: Due to the pandemic, the trade fair for industrial transformation had to be postponed and will not take place in April as planned, but from May 30 to June 2. However, exhibitor preparations are already in full swing and the hype on websites is already buzzing.
- Blog Post
- Louisa Yavuz
B2B lead generation – sources and process design for long-term success
I am responsible for lead generation at snapADDY GmbH. My daily work revolves around determining together with my team the sources for acquiring suitable leads and preparing them for our sales department. In addition, we design the lead generation and lead processing workflow in such a way that there are no unnecessary unforeseen issues. When we use the term "lead," we distinguish between companies that are potential customers and contact persons. For us, one always includes the other, and of course, several contacts in the same company can be good leads.
- Blog Post
- Victor Weitzmann
Social Selling – Tips on how to use LinkedIn for customer acquisition
At snapADDY, we encourage our employees to be as active as possible on LinkedIn. The potential of the platform is too great not to take advantage of it. To use it, we take our employees by the hand but without giving them specific restrictive guidelines. Here are a few examples from our experience that we hope will help you make the most of LinkedIn for customer acquisition in your company.
- Blog Post
- Victor Weitzmann
Five tips for effective organization of sales meetings
Many business areas thrive on exchange. At snapADDY, for example, several employees are often involved in the development of new product features. The individual work plans have to fit together perfectly. That is why it is essential to know the position of each colleague. Meanwhile, sales representatives manage very well on their own, as they support the customer without depending on the work performance of other colleagues. As a result, internal sales meetings are often seen as a waste of time and a necessary evil – at best.
- Blog Post
- Victor Weitzmann
Machine Learning Techniques: Sentence Embedding and Other Weighting Strategies
In our latest blog post, our Data Scientist Jan Paulus uses code examples to illustrate how to use the machine learning concept of sentence embeddings and what kind of weighting strategies can be used.
- Blog Post
- Carina Hoßfeld
Is the classic paper contact form filled out in pencil no longer useful? We say YES to digital lead capture!
We are not the only ones who think so: Leonhard Kemnitzer, expert marketing manager at Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH in Germany, provides a good example of this in an article on (a specialized portal for B2B marketing, communication, and sales). The expert describes in detail the advantages of digital lead capture tools and gives some tips for the selection and implementation process of such apps in the company.
- Blog Post
- Birte Schwab
Highlights of our Fall SALE
More and more companies are rethinking how to improve their analog processes. Digitalization has long been present in many areas, but there is still a long way to go when it comes to lead capture at trade shows. However, for many companies, a trade fair is THE event of the business year. This is where it is possible to make new contacts and maintain old business relationships. Therefore, during our Fall SALE on September 29, 2021, we took an in-depth look at the topic of digital lead acquisition and showed how modern lead management really works for our customer Hannes Gottwald from voestalpine Stahl GmbH. In this blog post, we have summarized the highlights of our event for you. You can find the complete video on our YouTube channel.
- Blog Post
- Louisa Yavuz
Trade fair lead capture at voestalpine: Interview with Hannes Gottwald
Our interviewee, Hannes Gottwald, has been working at voestalpine Stahl GmbH in Linz (Austria) for more than 12 years. For the last five years, Mr. Gottwald has been in charge of event management and promotion, which means he is also responsible for the company's trade fairs and customer events.
- Expert interview
- Carina Hoßfeld
Lead management software: Get your target quickly and analyze software tenders using a product requirements list
Many companies have taken advantage of the last few months to prepare for upcoming trade shows and in-person events and have joined the trend of capturing and managing leads digitally.
- Blog Post
- Louisa Yavuz
Data-driven decision making: Four practical tips for an effective implementation in sales and marketing
Renowned researchers agree that "data is the gold of the 21st century". Data storage has increased massively in recent years. More and more rules and laws are being passed to regulate the data storage - especially personal data – to which companies must adhere. Certainly, a great example of this is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
- Whitepaper
- Jochen Seelig
Guerrilla marketing: low investment, high advertising effect – also possible in B2B!
The jungle of communication tools causes many entrepreneurs and marketers to become frustrated. That is why this article is about a special form: Guerrilla marketing. What exactly does it mean and how can it be used in B2B marketing?
- Blog Post
- Birte Schwab
Digitalization in the trade fair sector: What will trade fairs be like in the future?
For some time now, the digitalization of sales and marketing has been the talk of the town. Even before the Coronavirus pandemic began, the events and trade fair sector was already experiencing changes. Virtual showrooms, 3D booths, and smart apps for digitally capturing leads are part of the daily work of many exhibitors. Now, with all these digital possibilities, will in-person trade shows continue to exist in the future despite the current pandemic situation?
- Blog Post
- Louisa Yavuz
Contact tracing at trade fairs: Implementing the Coronavirus health regulations easily and digitally
After months of strict measures, trade fairs are finally reopening in the fall! Are you already planning your first trade fair attendance? Then you have probably already heard about mandatory contact tracing. But how can you guarantee traceability for your visitors without any additional effort?
- Blog Post
- Louisa Yavuz
Highlights of our Summer SALE
In our Summer SALE on June 30th, 2021, the focus was all about Data. In the last quarter, we added new features to snapADDY DataQuality to further improve the quality of data in your CRM system. During the live stream, we take a look at what's behind snapADDY and explain how we successfully use machine learning for our products. We also had an interesting interview with our customer Robert Hawke from OMICRON electronics and got an insight into their current processes for managing leads. Below you will find a summary of the highlights of our event. You can also find the full video on our YouTube channel.
- Blog Post
- Louisa Yavuz
Duplicate check and data maintenance in CRM: Interview guest Robert Hawke from the USA
Robert Hawke is Project Manager at OMICRON electronics for more than 13 years and an expert in his field. The specialist answers Markus Klapprodt, Head of Operations at snapADDY, questions about CRM, among other things.
OMICRON electronics is an international company headquartered in Austria and has about 20 locations worldwide. OMICRON products are found almost everywhere where electricity is mentioned – test and diagnostic equipment, monitoring solutions and everything for the electrical power industry.
- Experteninterview
- Carina Hoßfeld
CRM user acceptance: How to increase the acceptance of your CRM system
Today, nothing works without a CRM system: Nine out of ten companies use software to record and manage their customer relationships internally. However, even the best CRM system is useless if employees do not use it correctly...
- Blog Post
- Louisa Yavuz