I’ve identified interesting accounts on LinkedIn & Xing, but I need the remaining company data
Enrich company data
You have discovered several interesting profiles on LinkedIn or Xing during your lead research and want to save them together with their company master data to your CRM? With the use of snapADDY DataQuality, you combine the most important profile data with the master data of the company in just a few clicks. Our contact page crawler automatically provides current company data. After this step you can export the new and complete lead to your CRM. This way, you save yourself a lot of time in the acquisition of new leads and customers.
Capture profiles from professional networking sites
Login to LinkedIn or Xing and visit a profile of a relevant contact. Press the button “Grab contact” next to his/her profile. The most important data from the profile (like name, position and company) are immediately saved into snapADDY DataQuality. Alternatively, you can click the crocodile icon during a LinkedIn or Xing search in order to capture the data from their profile.
Add company data automatically
Open snapADDY DataQuality and click the "Crawl contact page" button in the contact. The contact page crawler will be activated and suggests a webpage that it wants to capture the data from. If the URL seems to fit to the company you want to address, click the check mark in the blue box. Alternatively, you can click the magnifier again in order to choose an alternative webpage from a list. The crawled data from that specific company website will now be transfered to DataQuality. Choose “Apply all” in order to transfer all found entries or select the ones you need and hit “Save”.
Add an e-mail address with the Finder
If your data set only contains a general e-mail address for your contact person, snapADDY enables you to search for their personal e-mail address. By clicking the "Find e-mail" button, DataQuality suggests matching e-mail addresses based on a recognized pattern. If the found e-mail address fits the other contact data, you can add it by clicking “Select”. *
Export the results to your CRM
As a last step you can automatically transfer the collected data as a lead or contact to your respective CRM system. Therefore, you have to connect snapADDY to your CRM only once. In this example we use Salesforce, but snapADDY offers many other CRM integrations. In order to export the contacs you have to click the icon of your CRM and transfer the data as a lead or as a new contact. The contact data record is now available in your CRM.
I know which companies I would like to address, but I need to find the right contact persons
Find the right contact personI have contact data in my e-mails that I would like to transfer to my CRM without any typing effort
Capture signaturesI want to transfer business cards with my smartphone to my CRM without manual data entry
Scan business cards* Please comply to local laws and regulations regarding the delivery of commercial e-mails