Company Data Search

With the Company Data Search you are able to capture basic data for a particular company from different sources from the web. The results can be transferred directly to your CRM system later on.

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snapADDY Grabber: company data search

Get basic contact data from contact pages

When searching for company data, the results of the Contact Page Crawler are always displayed first. Our algorithm identifies the appropriate web address that relates to the given company name and extracts the information into snapADDY DataQuality. The information is freely accessible on the web and is automatically structured into a contact data set by our algorithm. Usually the most up-to-date contact data can be found directly on the contact page.

snapADDY Grabber: Impressums-Crawler

Information from the web

If the data found is insufficient or no contact page or imprint is available, you have the option of automatically searching for other data sources with snapADDY DataQuality in order to capture the correct information. These sources are displayed after the results of the Contact Page Crawler within the company data search. Our algorithm uses the following sources:

  • Google Maps
  • Wikidata
  • Wikipedia
  • Xing
  • LinkedIn
snapADDY Grabber: extract company information from google maps

Industry data search

For more transparent & detailed data in your CRM system, you can also enter industry information about a specific company within the company data search. To do this, you must select the data from the Xing or LinkedIn industry data search. You can use the new function to enter the following industry data.

  • company's size
  • area of business
  • revenue
snapADDY Grabber: Übersicht Impressums-Crawler und Google Maps/Places

snapADDY DataQuality
at a glance

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CRM Integrations Contact Person Search Company Data Search

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