In the dashboard, you can check incoming visit reports from your sales staff and transfer them to your CRM system. In addition, you can look at various evaluations of your visit reports and thus, for example, identify your strong and weak exhibition days!
Report overview
In the report overview, you can view & review all incoming visitor reports as the administrator of your organizational unit. In this view, the reports are assigned to the respective questionnaire and displayed with the core values. If you select one of the captured reports, it opens in a detailed view with all recognized contact data and completed answers. You can see at a glance if the contact data were correctly recognized or individual questions were not completed. If the report for your lead process in the company is complete and has enough data behind it, you can start the export in the report overview!

Comprehensive analytics
Since the visit reports are digitally recorded and extracted, we also offer various evaluation options with which you can identify existing potentials or weaknesses in your lead management process. At present, this includes an evaluation of the number of completed reports per user or an overview of the reports per hour. An analysis of the different days and the recorded visit reports are also presented. We will further expand this feature and are looking forward to any feedback or suggestions for upcoming developments that you could provide to us!

Many export possibilities
In our Dashboard, you have the possibility to export all collected visitor reports. You can choose between a PDF (the look is the same as a classic paper visit report with all questions and responses), Excel (all questions are displayed in columns with the answers in the lines) or a CRM export (all responses are directly mapped in the appropriately configured fields in your CRM system). In addition, there is also the possibility to send the recognized contact data to snapADDY DataQuality for further qualification.

Organization management
From a professional solution we expect that the organizational effort can be completed on the platform itself and no own user management system has to be implemented. This is exactly what snapADDY does. Each organization is assigned to an administrator account with special rights for the first login. They can invite other employees via e-mail into the organization and determine their rights. As an administrator, you have access to the Template Configurator and you are able to define the questionnaires centrally for your sales force!