Release Notes

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Release Notes

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DataQuality 10.10.0

What's new

  • Added a popup which shows the contact's businesscard. It can be opened by clicking on the "camera" icon mentioned before
  • Added a Small "camera" icon to contacts having a businesscard
  • Added the "back to contactlist" button which was only shown in the Dasboard/CRM Integration to every client
  • Disable other mergeview entities when an account change was detected
  • Removed the "contact list" button from the primary header


  • Add a dropdown option to mark contacts as "read" / "unread"
  • Added an overflow popup to the entity actions (list of actions at the bottom of the mergeview) when there would be to many entries
  • Improved mergeview loading performance and refactored internal duplicate handling
  • Show environment specific integration settings (e.g. show Salesforce integration settings when running embedded within Salesforce)


  • Close the company data search / contact person search modals when grabbing a new contact
  • Enhanced stability of the SuiteCRM connection
  • Fixed image adjustment sliders in "add contact via webcam" modal
  • Fixed inconsistent XING url format between grabber button and contact person search
  • Fixed the back to top button within the contact person search
  • Fixed XING urls not grabbed from company data search

DataQuality 10.9.0

What's new

  • Added a "Getting started" popup which shows a list of steps to setup DataQuality
  • Added a small loading popup when the mergeview is opened for the first time
  • Added an export setting to define which fields should be preselected in the mergeview when executing refinement functions like company data search or contact person search


  • Added company name harmonization for the Pipedrive organization duplicatecheck
  • Changed the default file access when exporting attachments to Hubspot from "PUBLIC_NOT_INDEXABLE" to "PRIVATE"
  • Increased performance and data recognition within the company data search


  • Fixed an issue where no "empty" chips would be shown in the SAP mergeview
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong CRM connection would be used when using DataQuality embedded in multiple different Microsoft Dynamics instances
  • Fixed an issue where language changes in the snapADDY Dashboard, Dynamics, SAP or Salesforce would not get reflected within the embedded DataQuality application

DataQuality 10.8.0


  • Added a way to define relevant fields via custom mapping
  • Users are now prompted to select an export option instead of preselecting "create new", when possible but no suggested duplicates are found


  • Fixed an issue where DataQuality could crash when using the Ctrl+C+C shortcut without having any text selected
  • Fixed an issue where short/abbreviated names in the contact person search wouldn't return any results from LinkedIn
  • Fixed an issue where clicking on an error message in the mergeview footer didn't do anything. Now it scrolls to the corresponding entity as intended.
  • Fixed an issue where the google image search didn't work in outlook for some users
  • Removed the logout button in the dataquality salesforce integration when using the auto login feature
  • Removed the automatic oauth flow that was triggered in the dataquality dynamics integration when no connection to dynamics was established yet.

DataQuality 10.7.3


  • Save the preferred client url in the user's profile to support opening the correct client from contact suggestion emails


  • Fixed an issue where the Salesforce updater button was placed at the wrong location
  • Fixed an issue where partially filled Microsoft Dynamics lookup and dropdown fields could result in "[Entity] will be updated" messages in the save summary card
  • Fixed an issue where updater contacts stayed in the contact list when a new contact was grabbed

DataQuality 10.7.2

What's new

  • Added a "Show Changed Fields" button below the Mergeview
  • Added Duplicatecheck indicators on XING and LinkedIn profile pages for Salesforce, Pipedrive, SAP, Suite and Hubspot


  • Added the Duplicate indicator and changed the wording of the Mergeview entity duplicate hint
  • Changed the SAP AttachmentTypeCode for profile images from Standard (10001) to BusinessPartnerImage


  • Fixed an issue where the Updater button didn't show up when having both snapADDY DataQuality and snapADDY Helper installed at once

DataQuality 10.7.1

What's new

  • Added a new "Account changed" UI that get's displayed if we recognize that an existing contact moved to another organization
  • Added new Updater Buttons to Salesforce and Pipedrive
  • Updated the UI for our Google, Google Maps and XING ProBusiness


  • Updated the internal Outlook browser to Chromium 86
  • Added other email formats to the Email Validator
  • Added a small "download" / "export" suffix to our export target dropdown options
  • Changed the Wording of our delete modal to make clear that contacts are only deleted from DataQuality


  • Fixed an issue where the export step list showed that two entities get linked, even if there are no changes
  • Fixed an issue where selecting "create new contact" would keep the wrong account selected
  • Fixed an issue where new Filters are created in pipedrive when the DuplicateCheck failed for some reason
  • Fixed an issue where the "Select duplicate" popover is closed when selecting any text within the popover
  • Fixed an issue where some customers get logged out from XING / LinkedIn in Outlook after a restart

DataQuality 10.6.0


  • Use new e-mail pattern provider for e-mail validation
  • Renamed the "Add contact" button to "Create new"
  • Changed the default export action for contacts within an account updater flow from "Create new" to "Don't create"


  • Fixed an issue where the Salesforce and SAP updater were starting correctly when DataQuality was closed
  • Fixed an issue where grabbing from Google Maps didn't work properly when DataQuality was closed
  • Fixed an issue where contacts sometimes were not deleted after a successful export from the contact list
  • Fixed an issue where the deal state (create new / don't create) wasn't saved in Pipedrive and Hubspot

DataQuality 10.5.0

What's new

  • Added a new empty list state
  • Added Keyboard shortcuts ("delete" to delete contacts, Arrow keys to select dropdown options, etc.)


  • Preselect the correct export target when exporting contacts from the VisitReport dashboard to DataQuality
  • Do not save LinkedIn / XING image links when grabbing a contact from the contact person search
  • Support opening a contact from within a social network update email notification


  • Fixed an issue where the company data search did not show any results when not being logged in to LinkedIn

DataQuality 10.4.0


  • Added an "Apply" button to the contact person search
  • Added a "Select all" button to the company data search
  • Changed the layout/wording in the CRM export error modal
  • Improved the error label in the duplicate check popover


  • Fixed an issue for some Integrations where the CRM icon in the contact list did not have any dropdown options
  • Fixed an issue where the company data search did not return all LinkedIn results for a given company
  • Fixed an issue where the LinkedIn icon wasn't active in the contact person search header even when you were connected
  • Fixed an issue where the excel import did not show any customfields when opening the modal for the first time

DataQuality 10.3.1

What's new

  • Added company data search results from Societe
  • Redesigned mergeview entity header
  • Redesigned our login page to always use the snapADDY dashboard session
  • Removed Close updater


  • Moved the Excel import option into the "Add contact" button (only available for snapADDY Premium licenses)
  • Unified the "after export" behavior. Now all exports/downloads will close the current contact and directly open the next one
  • We now save the mergeview state integration specific. This means changing the CRM system will not clear the mergeview anymore
  • Updated our Pipedrive duplicate check field scoring which will result in less possible and better suggested duplicates


  • Fixed an issue where attachments sent from the CardScanner were always called "Signature"
  • Fixed an issue where clicking the "select all" button did show the wrong number of selected contacts
  • Fixed an issue where not all fields were shown when working with email suggestions
  • Fixed an issue where dynamic invalidations were not checked before clicking on export
  • Removed the "former organization" line in the contact person search when it doesn't match the given search parameters