Release Notes

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Release Notes

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BusinessCards 6.3.0


  • Overhaul of barcode scanner view for better usage.


  • Fixed an issue where the app was not usable anymore when having a broken business card scan.
  • Fixed an issue where images of the scanned businesscards were shown instead of the initials-based avatars when having a lot of scanned cards in the list.

BusinessCards 6.2.0

What's new

  • Added a functionality to write business cards to NFC tags.


  • Reworked camera handling and camera permissions for better and faster scanning.


  • Fixed an issue where every "Contact" entity was named "Person" within the CRM DuplicateCheck popover.
  • Fixed a bug where "Done" button was not disabled when validation fails in My card link editing.
  • Fixed a bug where scanned backside added to the wrong business card during multiple scans.

BusinessCards Dashboard 4.2.2


  • Creates a default template when an admin enters the site.
  • Collapse the sidebar on mobile browsers.
  • Fixed a bug where the list of all cards shows duplicates.

BusinessCards 6.1.7

What's new

  • Added a functionality to open contacts (.vcf files) with BusinessCards app.


  • Fixed a bug where navigation bar color was white on some android devices.
  • Fixed a bug where contact fields get discarded when exiting the app.

BusinessCards Dashboard 4.2.0

What's new

  • Adds a new button to the card list component for the "Download for InDesign" functionality.

BusinessCards 6.1.5


  • Fixed a bug where manually edited contact information won't be stored after a restart.

BusinessCards Dashboard 4.1.0

What's new

  • Adds a functionality to view the analytics for your own card in the overview page.
  • Move BusinessCards related settings from organization wide settings to BusinessCards.


  • Fixed a bug where the reordering of links was not being saved.
  • All uploaded images will now be compressed and cropped to their correct size.

BusinessCards 6.1.3

What's new

  • Added a hint to remind users to export their scanned cards.
  • Added support for connecting to SAP Sales Cloud using V2 of the SAP API.


  • When scanning a digital business card, any profile pictures will now be added to the result as well.
  • Visually overhauled the sign-in page.


  • Fixed an issue where the exporting of contacts to the "central export target" did not work.
  • Fixed an issue where profile images where not included when exporting a contact to DataQuality.
  • Fixed an issue where vCards could not be parsed properly if the organization field contained a comma.
  • Fixed an issue where, after adding various links to the users digital business card, the added links where misaligned due to variations in the size of their respective icons.
  • Fixed an issue where the "trafic light"-style indicators for the results of the CRM duplicate check were not displayed.

BusinessCards Dashboard 4.0.0

What's new

  • Create and manage multiple cards per organization

BusinessCards 6.1.2

What's new

  • BusinessCards editor now shows all company branding field even if they are already specified by the admin.


  • Increased overall camera performance and fixed the focus issues for iPhone Pro models
  • Fixed a bug where we showed an error message for unknown digital card providers
  • Fixed a bug where disconnecting from Pipedrive opened a new window