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Release Notes
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BusinessCards 6.1.0
What's new
- When admins have managed a users business card in the snapADDY Dashboard, the users are presented with a screen asking them to edit what options they have via the Dashboard as well, since in-app editing is not available at the moment for this scenario.
- Adjusted name and icon of the tab where the list of scanned business cards is displayed.
- Updated video tutorial links on the settings page.
BusinessCards 6.0.3
- Fixed an issue where, on iOS, the phone-number would not be properly exported to phone-contacts if there was not also a mobile number present.
- Fixed an issue where, under certain circumstances, mobile numbers would not be properly exported to phone-contacts.
- Fixed an issue where, with the setting "delete after export" activated, a different contact appeared to be deleted than the one that was exported, even though the correct contact was deleted.
- Fixed an issue where, under certain circumstances, users could be wrongly logged out when using the digital card functionality without an internet-connection.
- Fixed various camera issues with denying then re-requesting camera and/or gallery access.
- Fixed an issue where, in the error-details modal the text-field at the bottom would overlap the "send" button, making it impossible to press.
- Fixed an issue where, under certain circumstances, the App would crash if users tried to open the gallery to select a picture for business card scanning, before the camera preview on the same page had fully loaded.
- Fixed an issue on iOS where, if the user had "Limited-Access" selected regarding Photos, the App would have no access to any photos.
- Fixed an issue where no back-button was present on the login page when accessing it from the digital business card tab.
- Fixed an issue where, while in selection-mode, larger font-sized would make the options like "delete" or "export" impossible to access, as they were moved off-screen.
BusinessCards 6.0.2
What's new
- On Android, we added back the possibility to choose which contact list (e.g. device, sim, google account) to export a scanned businesscard to.
- Tapping anywhere on the Notes tab of a businesscard now focuses the Note input.
- Added a sample excel-file to the page shown to users of the free app, regarding upgrading to the paid version.
- On Android, added validation to the fields of the own digital businesscard form.
- Fixed an issue where an alert to inform users of a new version being available would be shown even though no new version existed.
- Fixed an issue where changing the logo image of ones own digital businesscard could result in it not being displayed properly right away.
- Fixed an issue where an error when exporting a businesscard would show only a simple error message, without the option to display details.
- Fixed an issue where, under certain circumstances, the app could experience crashes when trying to switch to the qr-code scanning view before the camera preview was able to load.
- Fixed an issue with an unwanted white bar being shown above the opened device keyboard in the crm merge-view.
BusinessCards 6.0.0
What's new
- CardScanner is now called BusinessCards.
- It is now possible to create, save and share your own businesscard.
- If your personal information changes, you can update it quickly in the app.
- You can also create your business card on the snapADDY website.
BusinessCards Configurator 1.13.0
What's new
- You can now create your own snapADDY digital business card at
- Download the QR code of your business card
- Update default icons for custom links
CardScanner 5.7.4
- Fixed an issue where when exporting to phone contacts from the list of businesscards, it would fail and the loading spinner would not disappear
CardScanner 5.7.3
- Fixed an issue where having a lot of attachments on a contact or a lot of contacts with one attachment each could lead to degraded performance and crashes.
- Fixed an issue where re-scanning a businesscard right after it initially failed did not work properly.
- Fixed an issue where clicking a "Done" button in some cases would only close an opened keyboard without actually doing what the button is supposed to do until a second click.
- Fixed an issue where, when sharing your own businesscard via qr-code, the qr-codes were cut off and not be able to be scanned.
- Fixed an issue where the crmUserId property of a user was not properly available during the mapping proces of the crm-export.
CardScanner 5.7.1
- Fixed an issue with the export to Microsoft 365 / Outlook
CardScanner 5.7.0
What's new
- Added support for lookup fields in the crm mergeview
- Added email validation on login page
- Overhauled the login page
- In the crm mergeview, when selecting a duplicate contact the corresponding account will now also be selected automatically
- Improved the date & datetime picker components used in the crm mergeview for small screens
- Added missing Linkedin Input field to excel exports
- Added clearer indicator that ones own businesscards avatar can be edited
- Improved UX for users who install this App by mistake instead of snapADDY VisitReport
- Fixed an issue with crm error messages not being displayed properly
- Fixed an issue where automatic deletion of businesscards after exporting, if enabled, did not occur
- Fixed an issue of missing whitespace between the "Notes" and "Attachments" tabs in the crm mergeview
- Fixed an issue where the view on the crm mergeview would scroll around strangely when focusing an input field
- Small wording fixes
CardScanner 5.6.0
What's new
- Added option to save ones own businesscard for easy sharing with other users
- Added support for exporting contacts directly to Hubspot CRM
- Added option to export contacts to Office 365
- Phone-format settings from the snapADDY Dashboard are now also applied in the CardScanner app
- Fixed an issue where a cards note would be lost if the app was closed before leaving the notes-view of the card
- Adjusted wording
- Fixed an issue where the camera preview would be distorted when turning the device from landscape to portrait orientation multiple times