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Release Notes

Subscribe to our release notes in order to receive regular notifications about new features and bug fixes.

Dashboard 10.10.0


  • Inform users about absent duplicate check when using bulk export
  • Add language selector to reports page
  • "Prevent exporting reports without contacts"-option now activated by default for new questionnaires
  • Add CSV export to VR analytics
  • Add static filters to manual duplicate search
  • Hide team coordination from navigation for Master and Archived events


  • Fixed an issue where the user is not informed that no thumbnail will be generated for images that are more than 3000 pixels wide or high in the media library
  • Fixed an issue where "Reports must be checked" only worked for CRM exports
  • Fixed an issue where "Add dependency" checkbox was checked even if no dependency was active
  • Fixed an issue where reordering dependent questions did not work correctly

Dashboard 10.09.0

What's new

  • New contact capture tab for configuring App to Dashboard export related settings
  • Notes on participants can now be disabled


  • More detailed error logging for email sending issues in the email log
  • Fixed an issue where analytics were not being shown properly without having to scroll right/left

Dashboard 10.08.0

What's new

  • Users and Reporters now can only see VisitReport Team-Coordination settings when they actually have access to them
  • Follow-up Mail: Better communication of image requirements
  • Adding telephone links to the Team Coordination view - so they can be clicked and directly used with phones / phone-software
  • Styling changes in the event action area
  • Question dependencies across groups are not possible anymore
  • Semantical grouping of question types in questionnaire configurator
  • Adding the total number of contacts to the report grid


  • Fixed bug that the Variants were not loading in the Thank You Mail Configurator
  • Fixed an issue where field assignment for inventory data could not be deleted
  • Fixed bug that in the event settings, the URL fields flow over the save changes prompt
  • Fixed an issue where export preferences setting was not working for bulk export
  • Fixed issue where media library file info was not visible / cut off for long filenames
  • Fixed bug that inventory data import, mapped data chips could not be removed properly

Dashboard 9.30.2


  • A lot more settings of Events are now allowed to be changed after the Event is live
  • Updated the Icon for downloading attachments
  • Removed the old report analytics page
  • Added a warning not to use event logos with transparency, since this can cause display issues in the app


  • Fixed an issue where mandatory field settings seemed to disappear when switching back and forth between Event settings sub-pages
  • Various wording and translation changes
  • Fixed an issue where an asterisk was shown on a field that was not mandatory
  • Fixed an issue with unwanted line-breaks in the Follow-up email log

Dashboard 9.27.5

What's new

  • A language selector has been added to the Analytics page
  • Plots for sub-questions have been added to the Analytics page


  • Fixed an issue where the terminal-settings page of an Event was accessible to users who should not access it by navigating to its url directly
  • Fixed an issue where users were shown a blank page when trying to access an Event they did not have access to instead of being properly redirected to the Event overview

Dashboard 9.26.5


  • Added an error message for certain timed-out requests to load participants
  • Various improvements to the question-configuration modal


  • Fixed an issue where participants were not properly marked as "exported to excel" after exporting to excel from the participant details view
  • Fixed some small translation issues
  • Updated an faq link regarding badge scanning
  • Fixed an issue where the event phase-indicator would not correctly open the popover to change the phase of the event after redirecting to the events home page
  • Fixed various smaller issues in the question-configuration modal

Dashboard 9.25.0

What's new

  • When attempting to close the question-configuration window with unsaved changes, a confirmation-step is displayed


  • Fixed an issue where the Webhook export was not shown as an option despite being configured
  • Fixed an issue where a wrong cursor was used on certain pages after the event had been set to "live"
  • Fixed an issue where opening a participant's website from the details-view woudl fail if the url did not start with "http"
  • Fixed an issue where hitting "Enter" while focusing a question-option did no longer create a new option at the bottom of the list
  • Fixed an issue where, on questions without question-options, switching the question-type to text, textarea, date, time, or date & time did not automatically create a new option


  • Complete overhaul of italian texts
  • Improved explanation of event-level custom-fields
  • Attaching the same attachment to a question-option multiple times is now prevented
  • Various UI imrpovements for configuring individual questions

Dashboard 9.21.1

What's new

  • External Links can now be added to the Media Library

Dashboard 9.20.6


  • Added support for adding multiple attachments to HubSpot activities
  • Added some minor design changes / UI tweaks
  • Improved performance of page changes within VisitReport event settings
  • Switching between "related" question types should no longer reset question option values


  • Fixed an issue where deleting the first participant of a report could delete other participants aswell
  • Fixed an issue where an automatically loaded parent account would not get selected in the mergeview correctly
  • Fixed some wording / UI issues within the team coordination user table

Dashboard 9.19.1

What's new

  • Added SugarCRM support (Single / bulk export)


  • Adjusted display of report id for child participants
  • Added arrow buttons for reordering questions within the questionnaire configurator
  • Added a warning message in the save bar when changing settings for a live event
  • Added support for creating hubspot attachments for activities without separate note entry


  • Minor wording updates
  • Fixed an issue where DataQuality wasn't recognized when opening / refreshing the VisitReport Dashboard