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Release Notes

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Dashboard 6.2.3


  • Added display of questionnaire-lifespan information in questionnaire-overview
  • "Title"-input is now focused initially when creating a new questionnaire


  • Renamed "Thanks-email" to "Follow-up email"
  • Switched the filter-popup orientation for the first two columns in the team-coordination table
  • Fixed a problem with username display and fallback to email-address
  • Fixed initialization of intercom

Dashboard 6.2.1



  • Prevent adding a screensaver to a questionnaire before it has been created
  • Fixed german questionnaire description placeholder text translation

Dashboard 6.2.0

What's new

  • Introduced Media Library feature
  • Added a preview to the questionnaire settings to show effects of color choices and branding settings


  • Switched color-picker to use hex code instead of hsl for colors
  • Added linebreaks to the answers of textarea questions with multiple options


  • Updated wording of SAP CRM ("SAP Sales Cloud")
  • Added missing translations for questionnaire description placeholders
  • Fixed an issue where changing the salutation of an inventory-data contact was not working

Dashboard 6.0.0


  • Changed the questionnaire configurator layout to signle-column
  • Removed obsolete settings


  • Fixed an issue with recognizing date values in safari browsers
  • Fixed an issue where answer-options were not ordered correctly

Dashboard 5.20.0

What's new

  • Added an option to disable export options for unchecked reports


  • Hide disabled entities in the duplicate-check filter popup

Dashboard 5.19.0


  • Disabled entities are now skipped during the validations tep of the crm export
  • Fixed an issue where the date-picker for the "created"-date column in the report-grid was distorted

Dashboard 5.18.0


  • Prevent master questions from being added to the same questionnaire multiple times
  • Fixed broken links to user & user-group settings in questionnaire configurator

Dashboard 5.17.0

What's new

  • Added the option to add default-answers to questions in the questionnaire configurator
  • Added the option to add a profile-picture to your snapaddy account, for use with the team-coordination feature
  • Added an new column to the team-coordination page to display the users email


  • Redesigned the user profile page


  • Fixed a small issue with french translation
  • Fixed some UI issues when creating a new questionnaire

Dashboard 5.16.2

What's new

  • Direct export to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 365 including duplicate-check from the VisitReport dashboard
  • Direct export to SAP C/4HANA including duplicate-check from the VisitReport dashboard

Dashboard 5.15.0

What's new

  • In the report-analytics view, the participants countries of origin can now be seen on an interactive world-map.
  • It is now possible to filter reports by their salesforce duplicate-check results.


  • The teamcoordination view now auto-refreshes every 30 seconds.


  • Terminal-accounts are not shown in the teamcoordination view anymore, since these features are not compatible.
  • When restricting the access to a questionnaire to one or more usergroups, the users that are part of said groups are now shown in the teamcoordination view.
  • In the Mandril-exort error-message, the id of the report that failed to export is now displayed correctly.