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Release Notes

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Dashboard 6.9.0

What's new

  • Added the option to configure follow-up emails using HTML


  • Improved the email-activity log


  • Fixed an issue that would prevent uploading imventory-data for certain excel files

Dashboard 6.8.0


  • Extended Pipedrive CRM functionality


  • Fixed an issue where the chart "Reports per day (by User)" was missing when exporting multiple charts as a pdf

Dashboard 6.7.4


  • Unified the display of Date & Time Values


  • Fixed an issue where Answers of Groups that were set as dependent on another question, were not displayed properly in the details-view for additional contacts of reports
  • Fixed an issue where certain custom values where missing during single- & bulk-export

Dashboard 6.7.2

What's new

  • Added Hubspot-export (via snapADDY Dataquality) as an export option
  • Added a dialog to manually create appointments in the appointments section of questionnaires
  • Added the option to hide the attachments and/or notes sections in the VisitReport App on a questionnaire-level
  • Added the questionnaires CampaingId to the excel-export
  • Added a column to the reports-table to show the e-mail of the user that created the report


  • Minor visual improvements


  • Fixed an issue where the HubSpot Marketing automation icon was shown in the reports-table if no CRM-integration was configured
  • Don't show hidden export-types
  • Fixed an issue where custom fields from the questionnaire settings were delted if empty when leaving the settings
  • Fixed an issue where newly created questions could not be set as dependent on existing questions
  • Fixed an issue where newly created question-options could not be set as a default-option or be deleted
  • Fixed an issue where gaps in the reportIds would occur when exporting both to the VisitReport Dashboard and a CRM from the VisitReport App
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to create a signature question without a question-option

Dashboard 6.7.0

What's new

  • Nested questions: These questions are dynamically generated based on your answers to a superior single- or multi-selection question
  • Answers of reports may now be edited directly in the details-view of a report. Questions that others are depending on or that have nested questions assigned to them, are excluded from this functionality.


  • Improved the follow-up email functionality


  • Added a missing FAQ Link to the follow-up email configuration page
  • Fixed an issue where follow-up emails could not be sent without both a first- and last-name
  • Fixed an issue with the format of Date/Time values when exporting to a crm system

Dashboard 6.6.0


  • Fixed an issue where elements of the CRM duplicate check would appear to be clickable when they are actually not
  • Fixed an issue where contents of the 'value'-field of question-options in the questionnaire configurator would be cut-off by the placeholder-text of the fields
  • Fixed a number of smaller issues with the crm-export functionality

Dashboard 6.5.0

What's new

  • Added Japanese to the available languages for questionnaires
  • Added an optional description field to questions in the configurator, whose value will be displayed below the questions name in the VisitReport App
  • Added a choice of export-target to the questionnaire configurator, which determines if reports for this questionnaire from the app should be exported to the VisitReport-Dashboard, to a CRM, or to the app-users choice.


  • Increased the margin at the top & bottom of the screen that causes the view to scroll when dragging a question in the questionnaire configurator
  • Improved the CRM-export merge-view to match snapADDY Dataquality


  • Fixed an issue where opening a website from the CRM merge-view did not work
  • Fixed an issue where some answers could be missing when exporting from a report with multiple participants
  • Fixed an issue where dependent questions where not correctly highlighted when the dependency-icon was clicked in the questionnaire configurator
  • Fixed an issue where date values in exported excel & pdf files would be displayed with GMT+0 instead of the users timezone

Dashboard 6.4.0

What's new

  • Introduced a new interface to manage appointments added to a questionnaire via API


  • Fixed an issue where the connection to SAP Sales Cloud would fail for checking duplicates
  • Fixed an issue where the export of multiple reports at once to SAP Sales Cloud would fail
  • Fixed an issue where signatures would be sent twice when exporting via a webhook integration
  • Fixed an issue where 'checked' dates of reports could switch their month and day values when using the dashboard in english
  • Fixed an issue where editing a follow-up email template in a questionnaire that was copied from a different questionnaire, could result in the template in the original questionnaire to also be altered

Dashboard 6.3.0

What's new

  • Added the option to enable the new appointments-feature to the questionnaire settings.
  • Added new question-types "Date-only" and "Time-only"


  • Fixed a wording error in the crm Duplicate-check
  • Fixed excel download for reports with multiple participants when an excel mapping is used

Dashboard 6.2.4

What's new

  • Added ability to add custom fields to questionnaire to be used by the mapping during export


  • Improved media library upload and display of folder images
  • Changed media library editing of file and folder names
  • Added Copying and moving files and folders in media library
  • Changed media library timestamp display to 24 hour format


  • Move to next line when hitting "Enter" in Follow-up email configurator
  • Restrict length of individual inventory-data field values to 255 to prevent incompatibilities with crm systems
  • Changed endpoint to get questionnaire for duplication, to prevent crashes
  • Extended max-length of chart legend labels in report analytics
  • Fixed issues with searching for questionnaires
  • Fixed an issue where reports would not load if reports-page is refreshed