Notes de mise à jour

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Release Notes

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Dashboard 9.13.0

What's new

  • Static filters for VisitReport Analytics (narrow down data to be displayed by setting creation date, creators, participants etc.)

Dashboard 9.11.5

What's new

  • Add a way to disable entities via mapping, without loosing data when enabling the entity afterwards
  • Automatically load and select the parent account, when a contact duplicate was found or manually selected
  • Support globally configured "Safemode" / "Preselection of field values" setting


  • Combined "App" and "Dashboard" tabs in Event settings, improved UI by hiding unused input fields
  • Improved error handling to show which entities got exported successfully and which entity failed
  • Increased size of custom fields within event settings
  • Only allow ".jpeg,.jpg,.png" as media library folder images


  • Fixed an issue where clicking the "Add attachment" button within the follow-up email settings could cause a crash under some conditions
  • Fixed an issue where forwarding an error to our Backend could cause the error modal to crash
  • Fixed an issue where SAP would not show any labels in the mergeview when connected via oauth without an installed snapADDY chrome extension
  • Fixed an issue where some properties are missing in the mapping when exporting a report after setting it to "checked"
  • Fixed an issue where the Hubspot support button would overlay certain UI elements
  • Fixed an issue where the Pipedrive export would show a success message even when the export failed
  • Fixed an issue where the syntax highlighting within the follow-up email settings / email template editor didn't work as expected

Dashboard 9.9.4

What's new

  • HubSpot: Refresh CRM access tokens when connection could not be established


  • Improvements and bug fixes for the new VR Analytics
  • Border of questioCard doesn't respect border-radius
  • Fix typo in German translations
  • ReportsGrid: Broken date popover save button click target

Dashboard 9.5.2

What's new

  • Added a Beta version of the new report analytics feature


  • Fixed an issue where user-restrictions on event swhere not correctly applied if only user-grousp were added to the list of users/groups that are supposed to have access.

Dashboard 9.4.5

What's new

  • Added the possibility to configure mandatory contact fields on an event-level
  • Added the possibility to control from which sources participants may be added on an event
  • Added the possibility to restrict editing-access to events (among users who have the appropriate role)
  • Introduced a new modal for adding new events


  • Improved the event settings by splitting up settings into multiple sub-pages
  • Events now only have a single title to avoid confusion
  • Added the possibility to add an extra url for each event-language, to be quickly accessed in the app

Dashboard 8.0.0

What's new

  • Templates are now referred to as events, that contain a questionnaire.
  • Added bulk-export support for Hubspot CRM.
  • Added a large number of additional languages for events.
  • In the analytics for reports, added a table to list the participants countries that were previously only displayed on a world-map.
  • Added support for Pardot marketing automation.
  • Added additional placeholders for follow-up emails.


  • General Overhaul of the Event configuration page.
  • Users in the restricted users section of an event are now ordered by their email-address.
  • In the analytics for reports, improved the display for questions with a small number of options.
  • Added clearer wording for labels of input-fields for question titles, group titles and question descriptions.


  • Updated the outdated Microsoft Dynamics logo.
  • Updated the outdated Optimizely logo.
  • Removed outdated wordings relating to the Optimizely integration.
  • Fixed an issue where a user would not be redirected correctly out of the VisitReport Dashboard if they logged themselves out in a separate browser-tab.
  • Fixed an issue where the crm-reconnect workflow would sometimes take multiple attempts to work properly.
  • In the analytics for reports, fixed an issue where the "All" option of a chart would disappear once deselected.

Dashboard 7.0.2


  • Improved the german wording to clarify the distinction between text and textarea questions


  • Fixed an issue where the report analytics graphs were shown as transulcent or not at all in the analytics pdf export
  • Fixed an issue where custom entities were ignored durign a bulk-export to a crm
  • Fixed an issue where non cyrillic characters where shown as questionmarks in exported vcards
  • Fixed an issue with the account properties not updating in the crm-export mergeview when selecting a duplicate
  • Fixed an issue where the filter-popover on the report overview was cut off and not entirely visible

Dashboard 7.0.0


  • Updated a huge number of libraries and frameworks


  • Fixed an issue where, instead of usernames, user-ids were shown in the report-analytics diagrams
  • Fixed an issue where users were able to see a button to create Appointments, even though the process would have failed because they lacked the necessary permissions

Dashboard 6.11.0

What's new

  • Added new field "Linkedin-URL" for contacts/reports
  • Added a column for "Note" in the reports-table
  • General UI Overhaul
  • Added the possibility to export multiple contacts of a report as one entity to a crm (mapping required)


  • Added additional links to FAQ articles
  • Adjusted which columns are scrollable horizontally in the reports-table


  • Fixed an issue where buttons where cut off on the questionnaire-overview in french and italian
  • Fixed an issue where the batch download of qr-codes for inventory-data failed in some cases

Dashboard 6.10.0

What's new

  • Added support for Hubspot as a CRM export target
  • Added support for exporting reports to Pipedrive via Bulk-export
  • Added support for Marketing Automation "Marketo"


  • Improved performance in the reports-grid
  • Improved stability & performance of duplicating questionnaires
  • Improved stability & performance of deleting questions, question-options & groups
  • Improved routing


  • Fixed an issue with the CRM-Duplicate Check
  • Fixed an issue with the internal handling of Date & Time values
  • Fixed an issue where Duplicate-check requests would sometimes fail for Salesforce & Dynamics
  • Fixed an issue where signature questions were not correctly shown as "signed" sometimes