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Release Notes

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DataQuality 9.3.1

What's new

  • Added LinkedIn results to company data search


  • The Pipedrive person updater now loads and display connected organizations
  • Former employees are now sorted to the bottom in the contact person search
  • Added automatic phone number formatting when pasting phone numbers into mergeview input fields
  • Updated the "locked account" wording
  • Added max-width for duplicatecheck popover
  • Removed Dynamics 2011 support
  • Updated Outlook Addin Browser version


  • Error messages sent by the CRM are now displayed correctly again
  • Pressing Esc should now only close the top level modal
  • Changed the export button label ("Export" -> "Save")
  • Fixed the initial value check for required date fields
  • Fixed the sorting of Pipedrive person duplicates
  • Fixed an issue where the Excel import mapping is not saved/reloaded correctly
  • Fixed an issue where the export is blocked by dynamic invalidation even if the condition is not met
  • Fixed the Dynamics connection to Dynamics 2015 instances
  • Fixed inconsistent labels between export dropdown and duplicatecheck popover
  • Fixed an issue where the Company data search doesn't work in the sidebar mode

DataQuality 9.2.0

What's new

  • Replaced the old updater view for Dynamics, Pipedrive, Salesforce and SAP with the new contact mergeview


  • Duplicatecheck states (colored indicators) are now synced between the Grabber and the Visitreport Dashboard
  • Added caching to duplicatecheck results (3 minutes)
  • Added a timeout to the mergeview cache (3 weeks) to improve mergeview save and load performance
  • Grabbing multiple entries from the contact person search now does correctly create multiple contacts in your contactlist again


  • Fixed SugarCRM (Community Edition) Multiselect field support
  • Visitreports are now removed from the Grabber after a successful export
  • Contact suggestions are now automatically deleted after a successful export
  • Fixed an issue where website protocols were always converted to "http://" in the Mergeview
  • Fixed an issue where the grabber window was focused randomly without user interaction
  • Updated LinkedIn login url in the contact person search
  • More smaller bug fixes and clean up

DataQuality 9.1.0

What's new

  • Added Hubspot Export 2.0
  • Added SAP SAML support
  • Removed Odoo support


  • Added a button to open Websites/Emails to the Mergeview chips
  • Added Support for saving different notes to multiple entities
  • Save and reload notes when reopening the Mergeview
  • Changed the default Outlook window size
  • Internal cleanup


  • The automatic duplicatecheck should not open your CRM all the time anymore
  • Fixed an issue where the State in SAP was not preselected properly
  • Opening a duplicate in your CRM from the select duplicate popup should not select it anymore
  • The Outlook help button should now correctly link to
  • Exporting multiple contacts to Salesforce via Bulk Export should work again

DataQuality 9.0.0

What's new


  • Enhanced manual duplicatesearch
  • Enhanced notes / attachment UI
  • Enhanced performance
  • Support for dependent fields
  • Removed old ContactView (implicitly removing Viewmapping support)
  • Removed MergeView-Modal

DataQuality 8.15.0


  • Improved the CentralStation translations in the duplicatecheck popover
  • Improved MS Dynamics windows-login/websession connection handling


  • Fixed an issue where exporting a contact to Outlook did take more than 30s if there are many Contacts in the Outlook addressbook
  • Fixed an issue where the exported flag was set in the VisitReport dashboard even if the export was cancelled

DataQuality 8.14.1


  • Fixed an issue where companies in Hubspot couldn't be found because of a deprecated API endpoint

DataQuality 8.14.0


  • Updated the Xing login URL
  • Updated the duplicatecheck popover error labels


  • Fixed an issue where sometimes VisitReport signatures could not be exported
  • Fixed an issue where the Suite export did open the Mergeview even if the "CRM Export 2.0" is not activated in the company settings

DataQuality 8.13.0


  • Improved Duplicatecheck when having special characters in some contact fields
  • Improved Duplicatecheck if necessary contact information are missing
  • Improved Duplicatecheck for Accounts in SAP
  • Added position (internal: ContactFunctionalTitleName) field to the SAP's Lead/Contact default mapping



  • Fixed a timeout problem in the Company Data Search
  • Fixed an issue where the Hubspot export modal didn't open when we found a duplicate with missing information
  • Fixed an issue where the error modal wasn't shown after a failed Pipedrive export
  • Fixed an issue in the Salesforce export where converted leads were shown as lead duplicated
  • Removed support for the SAP OData v1 API (was deprecated since February 2020)

DataQuality 8.12.0


  • VisitReport:
    • Added multiple signature support


  • Fixed the CRM link in the Dynamics-Updater success toast now opens the correct Dynamics UI
  • Fixed the LinkedIn search for contacts with "van" and "von" in their name
  • Fixed an issue where switching organizations could cause an endless http request loop
  • Show correct error messages if a login method (SSO, Username/Password) is not allowed in your organization