Internal notifications from the fair
You want to notify someone internally about a new lead from the fair? From now on you can use the snapADDY VisitReport notification mails feature to assign and notify a contact person in the company about the newly created lead - immediately after it has been created in snapADDY VisitReport!
Notify colleagues
Imagine yourself: You meet an interesting contact at the trade fair and fill out a visit report during the conversation. However, the lead is interested in another area that you're not responsible for. This is no problem with snapADDY's notification mails feature. Automatically send a notification to the responsible colleague. The colleague can then take care of the potential customer!

Various options for the right timing
With snapADDY VisitReport's notification mails you can determine by yourself at what point in time the notification should be sent. You can decide whether the notification should be sent immediately after the report has been created, i.e. when it is exported to the snapADDY Dashboard, or after it has been marked as checked in the snapADDY Dashboard. This way, incoming leads can be processed at the company headquarters and reports can be assigned to different sales employees.

Setting up an automatic notification dispatch
The setup of the automatic notification mail dispatch can be configured via your mapping. Please contact our support.
The notification emails can be set up completely individual and directly contain the visit report as a PDF attachment. Different or several email addresses can be selected. The mail dispatch can take place depending on the answer of a specific question or depending on contact information (e.g. the postal code) for example.