Release Notes

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Release Notes

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VisitReport 2.4.0

What's new

  • Appointments feature for field service
  • Separate date, time and datetime questions


  • Increased the resolution of attachment images
  • All date-like data is now exported in standarized ISO 8601 datetime format
  • Number of filled in mandatory fields in the footer of the participant form
  • Extended the search functionality in the inventory data with searching by ZIP code
  • Adjusted the style of "Add participant" label in the report sidebar
  • Adjusted the design of the inventory data search screen when there are no search results
  • Introduced maximum width for content in the app for wide screen devices


  • Fixed an issue related to the partially configured global CRM settings
  • Fixed an issue related to the offline mode alert in the Media Library
  • Fixed an issue related to the search functionality in the Media Library
  • Fixed an issue related to the breadcrumbs animation on iOS during the navigation in the Media Library
  • Fixed an issue related to the SAP connection via SSO on Windows

VisitReport 2.3.1

What's new

  • Indication that date picker opens
  • Having different views for text (small, middle, large)
  • CRM contacts/Inventory contacts export behaviour regarding mandatory contact fields


  • Inventory data without first name does not show last name in search results
  • Media library edge case: Download multiple files with the same name
  • Improve manual duplicate search performance
  • OAuth connection to the CRM does not work in the Windows app
  • Adjust Pipedrive OAuth ClientId (Staging)snapaddy-app

VisitReport 2.3.0

What's new

  • CRM Inventory Data
  • Media Library - share item with customer via email


  • Media library broken state in "Regression Testing" orga
  • "Make available offline" ends in infinite "Downloading" popup when internet connection is lost
  • Media library broken state in "Regression Testing" orga
  • Activate sharing from media library by default
  • API changes lead to problems by the customers, who use the API productively

VisitReport 2.2.3

What's new

  • Microsoft Store release

VisitReport 2.2.0

What's new

  • Media Library offline mode


  • Priority of Warnings when leaving a Report

VisitReport 2.1.1

What's new

  • Continue/Restart inventory data download if it's incomplete
  • Possible to go to Settings if no Questionnaire is available
  • List view in Media Library
  • Search Media Library


  • Media Library: "Syncronize now"-loading animation hangs
  • Media Library, sort by name not working properly
  • Values of date questions can be removed in read only mode
  • vCard "TEL" parsing without metadata
  • Date picker format and translations
  • Recommended, required and collapsible buttons misplaced
  • Avatar size in google image search
  • Text area with option names view bug
  • Can't work in template in drafts

VisitReport 2.1.0

What's new

  • Media library
  • Prevent rooted devices from using the VR app
  • Optimize export for slow internet connections
  • Enhance App usability for bad internet connection, f.e. when restarting the app
  • Enhance drawing functionality
  • Export after having added a Report without Internet Connection
  • Show the City and Address information in the inventory data overview
  • Required question should be focused after clicking of 'OK' in the 'Notice' popup


  • Integrate trial-creation-error-handling for 'user domain blacklisted' and 'user domain claimed' via 'first time SSO-login'
  • An Unanswered dependent mandatory or important Questions doesn't cause an Alert
  • The paragraphs in the text of a Signature are not taken into account
  • Media library: Add support for .gif files

VisitReport 2.0.1

What's new

  • Electron (Windows)
  • "Done" in "Notes" closes the keyboard on the first press and the report at the second
  • Add fallback for empty template titles


  • Windows: Adjust start menu bar
  • Windows: Adjust name to "snapADDY VisitReport"
  • Windows: User is still logged in after un-/reinstallation
  • Windows: Right-Click should be possible
  • Windows: Dev plugins and wrong version number shown in settings
  • Enable hover effect for inventory data result list
  • Windows: SSO not working
  • Windows: Marking texts is not possible (Swipe)
  • Windows: Adjust compression of attachments
  • Windows: Wrong error message for "No Internet connection"
  • Windows: Inventory data list inperformant directly after opening
  • Nested dependent questions wrong behaviour
  • "Last updated" showing "-1 months"
  • Quick Selecting & Un-selecting of multiselect-options can cause duplicate answer entities
  • Prohibit Microsoft/Google SSO: Wrong error message
  • Windows/Browser: "Next" button not appearing in onboarding
  • Hide empty groups with dependent questions
  • "Required Fields missing" is displayed when adding Inventory Data

VisitReport 2.0.0

What's new

  • This update has improved the user experience in the VisitReport app significantly.
  • The user interface shines in a sharper design and is even clearer thanks to the integrated sidebar.
  • The new "Team Coordination" feature supports stand personnel at trade fairs to always keep an overview of everybody's whereabouts and allows direct contact between colleagues within the app.

VisitReport 1.25.0


  • Enables the User Status Feature to be Questionnaire specific.
  • Split chinese as an option for questionnaire languages into chinese (simplified) and chinese (traditional).
    • Existing chinese texts wil be treated as chinese (simplified)
  • Implemented the multiple-signature features.


  • Team coordination module | B&R
  • Distinguish between traditional and simplified Chinese