Release Notes

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Release Notes

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VisitReport 2.6.2

What's new

  • Target Android API Level 30 (Android 11).
  • Added support for creating reports via deeplinks from the external source.


  • Improved error handling.
  • Adjusted list of available CRMs for exporting by removing the snapADDY API option.
  • Adjusted questionnaire by making it possible to open settings when no questionnaire is selected.
  • Adjusted attachments section by adding the limit of 9 attachments that can be added for the single report.
  • Adjusted user interface for exported reports.
  • Adjusted user interface in the questionnaires list page.


  • Fixed issue when last attachment is not exported to the SAP Sales Cloud.
  • Fixed issue when PDF is not generated during the CRM export.
  • Fixed issue when Media Library was not refreshed when the organization is changed.
  • Fixed issue where spinner was shown infinitely after deleting the participant.
  • Fixed issue where switching between _New_ and _Reports_ tab was not possible sometimes.
  • Fixed issue where _Search for duplicates_ loader was not dismissed when exporting the report to the SAP Sales Cloud.
  • Fixed issue where collapsable questions cannot be expanded.
  • Fixed the issue where the timestamp of the report is not shown if it does not have any participants.
  • Fixed the issue where the _Next_ button is misplaced after exiting the camera view.
  • Fixed the issue where the report stays broken until the app is restarted if the report was exported while being offline.
  • Fixed an issue with the in-app browser not being able to open pages.

VisitReport 2.6.0

What's new

  • Sending a follow-up email can now be prepared directly in the app
  • Nested questions: These questions are dynamically generated based on your answers to a superior single- or multi-selection question


  • Fixed an issue that would keep the App stuck on the "New" or "Reports" pages, unable to start or view any reports until a restart of the app

VisitReport 2.5.11


  • Fixed an issue where default answers to questions where not selected/entered by default, if the question was dependent on another questions answer

VisitReport 2.5.9


  • Updated the User-onboarding with new graphics
  • Improved visibility of the "New Participant"-Button that is shown in the inventory-data duplicate-search


  • Fixed an issue where images of scanned business cards, that where taken while working in the offline-mode, were not correctly exported to CRM-systems
  • Fixed an issue where business cards, that where scanned while working in the offline-mode, were not properly processed upon attempting to export them
  • Fixed an issue with adding a drawing to a report on iOS devices, where the drawing canvas would sometimes be moved off-screen when drawing close to the edge of the screen
  • Fixed an issue where the number of un-exported reports shown in the reminder notification would not match the actual number of un-exported reports
  • Fixed an issue where the "Take picture" button in the camera-view would sometimes slide behind the camera-preview
  • Fixed an issue where a "No Internet" warning was displayed despite the offline-mode being activated
  • Fixed an issue where the App could potentially get stuck downloading questionnaires, if an invalid image was set as a questionnaires screensaver-image
  • Fixed an issue where, after accepting the suggestion to fill out mandatory or important questions, the view would scroll past those questions instead of focusing them
  • Fixed an issue where the first letters in certain input fields where not capitalized automatically

VisitReport 2.5.7

What's new

  • Added the ability to search for "Leads" to the crm-data search when using Microsoft Dynamics, Salesforce, SAP or SugarCRM

VisitReport 2.5.6

What's new

  • Added the option to export a report immediately after finishing it
  • Added the creation time of reports to the reports overview


  • Improved some labels & translations
  • Changes the "Export to CRM" label to contain the actually selected crm system
  • Improved display of multi-line custom-fields from inventory-data contacts
  • Leading or trailing whitespaces will now be removed automatically when entering the email on the log-in page
  • Improved the indicator to show that a report has multiple participants
  • After finishing a report users will now be taken to the tab 'New', where they will have the option to create a new report
  • Improved visibility of subheadings in the participant-view


  • Removed the button to create a new report from the appointments page
  • Fixed an issue where problems with the connection to SugarCRM would not be shown to the user
  • Fixed an issue with the export to crm systems
  • Fixed an issue where exporting Attachments to Salesforce did not work when using the Windows version of snapADDY VisitReport
  • Fixed an issue where profile-pictures would be uploaded twice when using Salesforce
  • Fixed an issue where VisitReport would not start correctly on Android 8.1 devices
  • Fixed an issue where VisitReport would not start correctly without an internet connection
  • Fixed an issue where an invalid Pipedrive configuration would show false error-messages

VisitReport 2.5.5

What's new

  • SAML Login Integration

VisitReport 2.5.2


  • The "New"-tab is now also shown when appointments were activated for the current questionnaire.


  • Fixed an issue in the windows version, where a "No internet"-error was falsely shown when opening the settings page.
  • Fixed an issue with permissions, that would keep VisitReport users from accessing the crm-export functionality.
  • Fixed an issue where, after opening a pdf file in the media-library, numerous parts of the app would not refresh properly.

VisitReport 2.5.1


  • Fixed questionnaire titles not showing in the list of questionnaires

VisitReport 2.5.0

What's new

  • Added direct export to CRM functionality
  • Added optional description field for questions
  • Added support for Dashboard option for disabling CRM integrations


  • Adjusted user interface in CRM export error modal
  • Adjusted downloading progress indicator in Media Library
  • Adjusted downloading progress indicator for questionnaires on app startup
  • Adjusted styling of cards for adding new participants


  • Fixed fonts of login buttons for Microsoft, Google, and Apple on Windows
  • Fixed attachment scanner issue where camera preview was overlaying buttons
  • Fixed jumping of the settings page when the "Work offline" button is toggled
  • Fixed state field not being filled in properly for contacts added from SAP Sales Cloud
  • Fixed searching contacts in SugarCRM by full name
  • Fixed missing labels when titles of groups and questions are empty strings