snapADDY for weclapp
Find suitable contacts for your customer acquisition with snapADDY for weclapp! snapADDY’s weclapp integration saves any contact data in a consistent format to your CRM and prevents typos through automated workflows.

snapADDY & weclapp
Strong together
Feeling distracted from your actual sales work? With snapADDY, the time-consuming contact data maintenance in your weclapp CRM becomes a thing of the past.
Create consistent leads, contacts, customers and vendors
Put an end to inconsistent data in weclapp. snapADDY DataQuality recognizes address and contact data automatically and allocates them to the correct fields for higher quality results. In snapADDY DataQuality, you can choose whether your contacts are saved as a contact, lead or customer to your weclapp account. You’re in full control!

Create leads in seconds
When you manually create a new contact, lead, customer or vendor in weclapp, the data entry takes a significant portion of your time. Even with copy & paste, parts of the contact data can only be marked separately and a change between the different windows is often necessary. snapADDY DataQuality however grabs all data from a highlighted text block and automatically maps them to the right fields in the tool. With the weclapp integration, our tool saves you a lot of time while acquiring new leads.

External duplicate check
The external duplicate check for weclapp makes your workday even more comfortable. If you have grabbed a new contact, snapADDY DataQuality checks your entry for already existing data in your weclapp account. You can see at a glance whether this contact, lead or customer already exists in your weclapp system. This feature eliminates redundant data in your CRM and you have the ability to overwrite old data with newly found contact details from DataQuality. Save yourself a lot of time in the contact data maintenance and provide higher quality leads to weclapp!

Quick & easy setup
Connecting weclapp with snapADDY DataQuality is easy and you only have to do it once. You will need to copy your weclapp URL to the snapADDY settings and to log in to weclapp. Additionally, you’ll need to provide an API key from your weclapp settings. Start transferring your enhanced contact data from snapADDY DataQuality to weclapp now!