Release Notes

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Release Notes

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Dashboard 12.5.0


  • Only show relevant navigation entries for master events
  • Fixed a bug where save changes bar was not triggered when user executed changes too fast
  • Improved the UI of the media library by combining upload buttons into a dropdown button and updating the upload modals.
  • Fixed a bug which showed users (from previous opened event) in the booking access permission table
  • Fixed a bug where more meeting-demand resources than needed where being retrieved
  • Fixed a bug where user was allowed to pick unlimited range size
  • Fixed a bug where the user could enter zero or a very large number of attendees and max occupancy in the "Number of participants" and "Restrict maximum occupancy" fields in the "Create meeting" and "Create Resource" modal
  • Fixed a bug where resources could not be deleted, and meeting creation while not in calendar view did not broadcast
  • Fixed a bug where errors would appear in the console when no resource for an event was created.

Dashboard 12.4.0

What's new

  • Added the functionality to set the team coordination status for multiple users in bulk.
  • Added a info box to the meetings calendar view.


  • UI improvements for the VisitReport Info Center
  • Improvements and bug fixes for the meeting settings
  • Added an empty state for "No user" to access and availability settings
  • Adapted the logo size of the app design preview to fit to the size actually
  • shown in the app
  • Fixed inconsistent translations
  • Fixed a bug where meetings are improperly deactivated/activated if another setting was saved
  • Fixes the input field type for custom event fields

Dashboard 12.3.4


  • Fixed an issue where meta information such as "created by" were missing when using CRM bulk export.

Dashboard 12.3.3

What's new


  • Fixed an issue where answer options for child participants were not available when exporting via bulk export.
  • Fixed an issue where search and filter criteria were not applied when exporting via bulk export.

Dashboard 12.3.0


  • Added a way to open / download attachments for question options within the configurator.
  • Added a note explaining why a user may not be able to select some question types when editinga question in the configurator.
  • The selected date range in the Meetings tab is now retained when switching to the Resources tab.
  • Added a loading indicator when duplicating events.
  • Replaced the FAQ icon in the email variant editor with a text link that opens the FAQ in a new tab.


  • Fixed a bug where not all event options were displayed in the event list.
  • Fixed a bug where the "Add attachment" option was displayed multiple times in the question option edit menu.
  • Fixed a bug where the bulk export would crash if there were too many reports in the current event.
  • Fixed a bug where the sequence number of a group was reassigned when activating meetings.
  • Fixed a bug where reconnecting to Salesforce was only working on the second attempt .
  • Fixed a bug where reconnecting to Dynamics didn't work at all when running a bulk export.
  • Fixed a bug where dropdowns were too large in the CRM merge view.
  • Fixed a bug where it wasn't possible to sort inventory data by "Created" date.
  • Fixed a bug where users could accidentally create multiple meetings by clicking on the "Create" button multiple times.

Dashboard 12.2.0


  • 'Tagalog' was added as an event language.
  • A warning when trying to export a report that has already been exported was added.
  • Added box plot visualisations for number questions to Analytics
  • Added a shortcut button to create a new event based on a master template


  • Fixed a bug that prevented the editing of meetings where the event booking timeframe had expired.
  • Fixes to the VisitReport meetings feature.
  • Fixed a bug where the "Add question" popup was not visible on smaller screens (mainly macOS).
  • Fixed a bug where the timestamps in the Analytics feature did not match the actual timestamps when the reports were generatecd.
  • Fixed a bug in media library where file names were cut off after a "." character.
  • Removed a CRM connection banner for unsupported integration (Sugar CE).
  • Fixed a bug where changing the question type to one with no sub-questions did not apply to existing sub-questions.

Dashboard 12.1.0


  • It is now possible to add descriptions to the signature question type.
  • Now you can see the answers of the signature question in the VR analytics.
  • The total number of options is displayed in the VR analytics.
  • Admins are now able to turn off the media library for individual events.


  • Changed how terminals are displayed in access & availability settings
  • Allowed "Event Curator", "Event Manager", and "Admin" to always create and edit meetings
  • Search for "Firstname + Lastname" in reports grid/inventory data
  • The "checked by"-filter in VR-dashboard report filter no longer causes an export error
  • Chat bubble overlays save button in follow up mail HTML fullscreen mode

Dashboard 11.0.0


  • Meetings: When creating a meeting, you can now prefill start and end time
  • Meetings: The "Show meetings in the app" setting has been moved from Settings > General to Meetings > Settings
  • Five more languages were included in the available options for follow-up email language selection


  • Meetings: Implemented sorting improvements in both the calendar view and 'Create Meeting' modal
  • Meetings: Fixed an issue where changes to meeting settings could not be saved
  • Improved wordings and add FAQ links
  • Fixed a bug when using the date filter in analytics
  • Resolved an issue where selecting a participant in a report containing multiple participants would unintentionally deselect the others
  • Fixed inconsistencies between user interface language and language selection for reports in PDF export
  • Prevent users from deselecting all sources for report participants
  • Improved error messages for invalid email addresses for follow-up emails
  • Fixed an issue where non existing pages were loaded in the inventory data table
  • Fixed an issue when reordering questions

Dashboard 11.0.0 Administration and User Management


  • The user management/invitation form has been improved and administrators now are able to edit custom profile fields like skills or languages by adding the field in the custom profile fields and then creating columns in the excel file. This way, you can connect those two when inviting users.
  • Replaced all table component with a new one which allows filtering / searching and sorting (e. g. Users & licences)


  • Updated all role names to their new terms (VR Manager -> Event Manager, etc.)
  • Fixed a bug where user invitations were not sent out without indication

Dashboard 10.11.0

What's new

  • It is now possible to filter reports where a notification email was sent. This is especially important for customers who have implemented a notification mapping.


  • Fixed bug that variant dropdown opens by default in email configuration
  • Limit the number of question-options for non-typeahead questions to 50
  • Meetings date validation now uses the right date range setting
  • Fixed an issue where the participant information in meetings feature is deleted after saving a participant and then editing it